Naming verbs; verbal nouns: the infinitive mood or "modo infinito"

Verbs are quoted, listed in dictionaries, etc. using the "infinito presente" form. For example: "In quella frase, non usare il verbo 'fare' ma il verbo 'eseguire' " ( In that sentence, don't use the verb "do" but the verb "perform" ).

Its ending also identifies the conjugation: "-are, -ere, ire" respectively for 1st, 2nd and 3rd conjugation - as in "mangiare, bere, dormire" ( eat, drink, sleep ).

The infinitive is the verb form that can be used as a noun. Examples:

"Leggere è istruttivo" ( Reading is educational )
"Le piace raccogliere i fiori" ( She likes picking flowers )
"Camminare molto fa bene alla salute" ( Walking a lot is good for your health).

As the examples show, in this case most It. infinitives correspond to Eng. "-ing forms".

Infinitives functioning as "verbal nouns" can be preceded by prepositions. Examples:

"Ho molto da fare" ( I have a lot to do)
"Studiamo per imparare"( We study to learn")
"Esco a fare spese" ( I'm going out to do some shopping)
"Credo di sapere dov'è lo smartphone ( I think I know where the smartphone is)
"Fa sempre giochi al computer invece di lavorare" ( He's always playing with the computer instead of working)
"Senza respirare, si muore" ( Without breathing, one dies)

Infinitives occur after "potere, volere, dovere" ( can/be able, want, must/have to), which are sometimes called "verbi servili" i.e. "serving verbs" at the service of the main verb. Examples:

"Non possono partire proprio ora" ( They cannot leave right now)
"Ti voglio aiutare" ( I want to help you)
"Non dobbiamo dimenticare le chiavi" ( We mustn't forget the keys).

The infinitive mood has another tense, "infinito passato", where the infinitive of the auxiliary verb is followed by the past participle: "avere visto, essere partito"... ( to have seen, to have left...).

Examples: "Non andare via prima di avere finito i compiti" ( Don't go away before finishing your homework); "Essere partiti un giorno prima è stata una fortuna" ( Leaving the day before was very lucky)

For pronouns affixed to infinitives see