Pronouns affixed to verbs

You are advised to read the pages on personal pronouns and on "double pronouns" before this one.

Single or double personal pronouns can be affixed to verb forms of the following moods: infinitive, gerund, participle, and imperative.

Infinitives + pronouns

The final "e" of infinitive endings "-are, -ere, -ire" is dropped before adding pronouns: "parlargli, vederla, dirgliele..."; verbs like "trarre, comporre", etc. drop "-re": "produrli, trarla, comporsi...".

"Dobbiamo parlargli" ( We've got to talk to him)
"Vorrei rivederla" ( I'd like to see her again)
"A saperlo, gli avrei telefonato" ( If I had known, I'd have phoned them)
"Per scrivergli, usa questo indirizzo" ( To write to him, use this address)

Gerunds + pronouns

"Guardandola meglio, ho visto la macchia" ( "On looking at it better, I saw the stain)
"Telefonandoci ebbe la notizia" ( By phoning us, he got the news)
"Venendomi incontro, sorrise" ( On coming towards me, (s)he smiled)
"Comperandoglielo, sapevo che l'avrei fatto felice ( By buying it for him, I knew I'd make him happy)

Participles + pronouns

Affixation is allowed only with past participles. Examples:
"Vedutolo, ne ebbe compassione" ( After seeing him, he pitied him)
"Apertala, trovai che la scatola era vuota" ( On opening it, I found that the box was empty)

Imperatives + pronouns

This is the most frequent case. Examples:
"Ditemi la verità!" ( Tell me the truth!)
"Finitela!" ( Stop it!)
"Andiamolo a vedere!" ( Let's go and see it!)
"Fatevi una birra!" ( Get yourself a beer!)

If the imperative is a one-syllable word, the consonant of the pronoun is doubled:
"Dimmi la verità! ( Tell me the truth!)
"La tua valigia dalla a Battista" ( Your suitcase, give it to Battista)
"Vatti a vestire!" ( Go and dress yourself!)

One It. word can correspond to a whole sentence in Eng.: "Diciamoglielo!" ( Let's say that to him/her/them!)