In progress: the gerund mood or "modo gerundio"

The two forms are: "parlando, essendo, sentendo" (gerundio presente: speaking, being, hearing/feeling) and "avendo parlato, essendo stato, avendo sentito" (gerundio passato: having spoken, having been, having heard/felt).

Gerunds are frequently used after the verb "stare" for actions in progress: "sto pranzando" ( I'm having lunch); "stavo pranzando" ( I was having lunch) "starò pranzando" ( I'll be having lunch).

The main difference is that while continuous/progressive forms are obligatory in Eng., the "stare facendo" pattern is optional in It. - I can say "adesso pranzo - ieri a quest'ora pranzavo - domani a quest'ora pranzerò" ( I'm having lunch now - I was having lunch this time yesterday - I'll be having lunch thgis time tomorrow)

Gerunds are used in several phrases and can convey different ideas. One is "cause":

"Essendo tardi, mi affrettai" ( As it was late, I hurried up)
"Dovendo partire, abbiamo preparato i bagagli" ( As we have to leave, we have packed our luggage)

Another use involves something happening at the same time as something else:

"Andando al mercato, ho visto l'incidente" ( While I was going to the market, I saw the accident)
"Volando verso la California, abbiamo visto i laghi canadesi" ( When flying towards California, we saw the Canadian lakes).

Gerunds can also convey an idea of means or instrument:

"Lavorando sodo, ha fatto carriera" ( By working hard, he made progress in his career).
"Sbagliando si impara!" "No, questo proverbio sbaglia: correggendo gli errori si impara" ( One learns by making mistakes! No, this proverb is wrong: one learns by correcting mistakes).

For other usages, see the following examples:

"Volendo, si può pagare a rate" ( If you want, you can pay by instalments).

"Potendo, andrei a letto subito" ( If I could, I'd go to bed right now).

"Ci raccontò piangendo che era stata abbandonata" ( Crying, she told us she had been abandoned).
"Era ubriaco e camminava barcollando" ( He was drunk and he was staggering along).

A past gerund form refers to something that had happened before something else. Examples:

"Avendo sentito un rumore, Salvatore si alzò dal letto" ( After hearing a noise, Salvatore got up from bed).
"Avendo perso l'ultimo autobus, dovetti fare tutta la strada a piedi" ( As I had missed the last bus, I had to walk all the way).

For pronouns affixed to gerunds see