The passive voice - La forma passiva

In both languages, a sentence containing an object can be reversed: "L'Inter vincerā la Coppa" "La coppa sarā vinta dall'Inter" ( Inter will win the Cup / The Cup will be won by Inter).
"Il terremoto ha distrutto la cittā" "La cittā č stata distrutta dal terremoto" (The earthquake has destroyed the town / The town has been destroyed by the earthquake).

A verb in the passive voice is composed of the auxiliary "essere", in the mood, tense and person required, followed by the past participle of the main verb.


a) the agent in a passive sentence has the preposition "da": "Fu visto da tutti" ( He was seen by everybody).
b) the verb "venire" is sometimes used instead of "essere" as an auxiliary in passive sentences: "Questo vino viene prodotto in Piemonte" ( This wine is produced in Piedmont).