What with? "Complemento di mezzo o strumento"

Prepositional phrases about tools use "con": "Ho tagliato la carne con un coltello", "Dipinge bene con gli acquerelli" ( I've cut the meat with a knife; She paints well with watercolours)

"Per mezzo di" is more formal: "Ho aperto l'apparecchio per mezzo di una brugola" ( I've opened the apparatus by means of an Allen key" )

This "complemento di mezzo" also includes means of transport. "In" is used when talking about the type of vehicle: "Vai a Napoli in treno? - No, in aereo" ( Are you going to Naples by train? No, by plane).

Other prepositions are used in more specific cases. Examples: "Siamo andati al mare con l'auto di Gabriele"; "Ho viaggiato su un treno affollatissimo" ( We went to the seaside in Gabriele's car. I travelled on a very crowded train.)