W w

This letter is called “doppia vu” and is frequently pronounced [v] in words that are (or are supposed to be) of German origin, like Wagner and the name Walter - however, Walt Disney is usually pronounced accurately enough.

Words where "w" is pronounced [v] include “watt” [vatt], the electrical unit, and its derivatives (our apologies to Sir James Watt). One occasionally finds the spellings "chilovatt, chilovattora."

The Internet prefix "www" is often called [vu vu vu], where "vu" is the name of the letter "v", not "w".

"W" is also the abbreviation of "Viva!" ( Up with...!) in posters and graffiti. "W Inter!"

In loanwords from Eng. like “whisky, William, weekend” etc. the letter "w" is correctly pronounced [w].