This hypertext contains the electronic version of Appunti per il Corso di LINGUA INGLESE by G. Porcelli, A. Caimi and C. Uccellino, published by I.S.U. — Università Cattolica, Milan (2nd edition, 1997). The text has been translated into English — as this is the language in which the course is taught and the exams are held — and updated in various parts. As in the previous versions, A. Caimi is the author of § 1.2.1 on Cleft and pseudo-cleft sentences, and C. Uccellino is the author of § 1.2.2 on Premodification.

The authors hope that the electronic version will encourage students to update and personalise these notes as they make progress in English. Those who go on learning English will find that there is always something new and interesting to discover. Those who decide to quit should at least remember that from that moment on, what they know is becoming obsolete.

The book is now (October 2019) accessible online without any restrictions - I only hope that anyone using these pages will quote the source.

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These pages have remained unchanged since they were first developed about 20 years ago. The layout is extremely basic but I have decided to make the text available anyway. I may make improvements on the appearance and the readability of the pages in the future.

All pages provide the links to the tables of contents and the various documents.

After you have accessed the files containing the Glossary or the Footnotes, you can reutrn to the document you were reading by using the "Back" or "Left Arrow" button of your browser.

The footnotes are numbered for easy reference; the one you have accessed is normally displayed at the top of the page.

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